Monday - Friday 09.00 - 05.00

Saturday 09.00 – 04.00
Sunday – CLOSED

Suite 110/10, Century Circuit


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Team Members / Donna Broomfield

Donna Broomfield

Administrative Manager

Donna has worked with Scott & Cheryl Cunningham for over 20 years now, Donna has successfully completed 2 university degrees and is the backbone of Cunningham and Co.

The role Donna fills is the one of Office Manager & Administrator her duties range from assisting Reception, Property Management, Sales and overseeing the junior staff and on occasion, some senior staff. Most aspects of Cunningham and Co pass across Donna’s desk at some point or another.

Donna is a tireless worker whose absolute loyalty is unquestioned. With her years of experience and vast intellect, Donna proves to be a great sounding board for Scott and Cheryl and her input is always valuable and welcomed.

Around Donna and the other members of staff, Scott and Cheryl have a solid reliable and knowledgeable nucleus upon which to build their growing business.

Call for more information

(02) 8850 4100